Climbing trees and picking blueberries



Apologies for the short hiatus. It’s the summer holidays and the girls have been busy spending time with us and what not ๐Ÿ˜‰ Apart from a lot of time spent on the playground, a few trips to the library and swimming pool, they have also discovered the joys of tree-climbing and continued with their summer berry harvest with blueberries this time round!

There is a giant tree with massive low trunks that stares right back at us as we enter the park close to our home. I asked Tilly and Frida if they wanted to give it a go at climbing it and they almost quite immediately scrambled up the tree and had a tough time leaving it when it was time to go.



The blueberry season had begun about a month ago and we’ve since been blueberry-picking twice. Aren’t blueberries just scrumptious? After picking some blueberries and having their stomachs filled with even more, the girls had great fun running around the fields playing hide-and-seek amongst the bushes!





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